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Participant Resource Pool


Amanda J. Horn

Amanda J HornDetroit HBEC Community Outreach Specialist & Research Assistant, Institute of Gerontology

B.A. 2013 Sociology, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
M.A. 2017 Sociology, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

[email protected]

More about Amanda J. Horn

Amanda J. Horn is the Community Outreach Specialist for the Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research (MCUAAAR). Her role is within the Community Liaison Recruitment Core (CLRC) where she maintains and organizes all HBEC activities. This includes organizing the Lunch & Learn community education events, publishing the bi-annual newsletter, and managing the Participant Resource Pool (PRP) database. The PRP provides older African American adults the opportunity to participate in research and offers researchers a database to recruit for their studies. She also maintains relationships with the Community Advisory Board members that oversees all HBEC activities. Amanda is also a doctoral candidate in the department of Sociology at Wayne State University. Her research background and ongoing dissertation work focuses on visible and invisible chronic illness experiences as well as reconceptualizing stigma and medicalization as they intersect with gender.

Deborah Robinson

Deborah Robinson Faculty Administrative Coordinator, MCUAAAR
Research Investigator, Research Center for Group Dynamics

B.A., Psychology, 1978, Williams College
Ph.D., Psychology, 1987, University of Michigan
MBA, International Organizations, 2005, University of Geneva

 [email protected]

More about Deborah Robinson

Dr. Robinson is a researcher and senior program manager with more than 25 years of experience working with grassroots community groups, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, churches, government agencies, and most recently, public libraries. She has lived, worked in, or traveled to 75 countries to date and has over 15 years’ experience in survey research methodology. She is the Co-PI on the African Americans Living Abroad Project being conducted by the Program for Research on Black Americans (PRBA). There has not been a comprehensive study of African Americans living abroad globally because of numerous methodological challenges. Dr. Robinson is creating innovative strategies to address these challenges. In addition to the quantitative online survey, Dr. Robinson plans to conduct qualitative oral histories with African Americans currently living overseas.

Xinyan Mitchell

MCUAAAR: Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging ResearchResearch Administrator, The Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research (MCUAAAR)

BBA, Eastern Michigan University

[email protected]

Vanessa O. Rorai

Vanessa RoraiCommunity Outreach Specialist, Healthier Black Elders Center

Certificate, 2018, Gerontology, Wayne State University
MSW, 2016, Master of Social Work, Wayne State University
B.A., 2012, Developmental Psychology, University of Windsor 

[email protected]

More about Vanessa O. Rorai

Vanessa is the Community Outreach Specialist for the Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research (MCUAAAR). Her role is within the Community Liaison Recruitment Core (CLRC) where she maintains and organizes all HBEC activities. This includes organizing the Lunch & Learn community education events, publishing the bi-annual newsletter, and managing the Participant Resource Pool (PRP) database. The PRP provides older African American adults the opportunity to participate in research and offers researchers a database to recruit for their studies. She also maintains relationships with the Community Advisory Board members that oversees all HBEC activities.