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Research and Education Core

Research and Education Core (REC)

The primary goal of the Research and Education Core of the MCUAAAR is to mentor advanced graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty interested in research and interventions on the health of minority elders and who are committed to contributing to the improvement of the quality and quantity of research on aging minority populations. We have developed a structured short- and long-term mentoring and education process, which includes an individualized development plan, monthly integrative and individual mentoring sessions, and an educational series in research fundamentals and health disparities.

The objectives of the Research and Education Core are to: 

  • Conduct the Summer Training Workshop on African Americans Aging Research
  • Actively mentor junior researchers through our MCUAAAR Scientist program
  • Provide research and professional training seminars throughout the year

Co-Leaders of the Research and Education Core

Drs. Robert Joseph Taylor, Amanda T. Woodward, and Hayley S. Thompson.