Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research
Participant Resource Pool
Junior Faculty RFAs
Lunch & Learns
The Lunch & Learns are free educational events open to the community to attend. Events are held in various locations such as churches or recreation centers. We invite researchers, program leaders, health care providers, and field experts to present information on a particular health-related topic in aging. Some examples of topics are memory and brain health, fire safety, diabetes, nutrition, caregiving, and more. Lunch & Learns provide great opportunities to learn about important health information, connect with your community, discover community resources, and hear about new research.
Using feedback from both HBEC members and Community Advisory Board members, we educate the public via Lunch & Learns throughout the year about various health-related topics relevant to successful aging. Approved researchers are invited to attend and recruit for their studies at these events.
Click here to see the current Lunch & Learn schedule.
All virtual Lunch & Learns are recorded and saved to the Healthier Black Elders Center section of the MCUAAAR website.