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Healthier Black Elders Center Videos

Expertise Reimagined Film

We’re proud to announce the Healthier Black Elders Center participated in the film “Redefining Expertise,” a unique documentary featuring a case study of successful engaged research. This effort was led by the Aging PCOR Learning Collaborative, led by Dr. Erin McGaffigan of Collective Insight, a small women-owned organization that specializes in community engagement, and in partnership with Dr. Marc Cohen at the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston. This documentary was funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award EACB-26961.

HBEC Lunch & Learns


Thursday, February 29: Housing America’s Older Adults

Research shows that housing plays an influential component in our overall health. A deeper look at this growing issue sheds light on numerous disparities faced by existing homeowners and renters, specifically older adults. Dr. Jennifer Molinsky will share the latest housing report from the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University.

Thursday, February 15: Just Ask Talk Show HBEC Interview

Just Ask talk show with Marsha Florence

Marsha Florence, host of the Just Ask Talk Show, interviews HBEC CAB members James Bridgforth and Sandra Richardson-Smith, faculty leader Dr. Tam Perry, and Program Coordinator Vanessa Rorai, about HBEC, engaging the community and the importance of representation in research.


Wednesday, December 6: Preparing for the Holidays: Spiritual & Emotional Coping Strategies

The holidays, while often joyous, can be difficult without our loved ones. Dr. Samuel White III discusses the complexities of grieving, types of grief, and tips on how to cope with grief while maintaining healthy spiritual and emotional self-care.

Wednesday, August 30: The Aging Brain

In partnership with the Eastside Community Network (ECN) and the University of Michigan Research Program on Cognition & Neuromodulation Based Interventions, join us for a presentation on memory and brain health from Neuropsychologist Dr. Amanda Maher!

Thursday, May 18: Impacts of Ageism

When we encounter ageism in our daily lives, it can be frustrating and sometimes even harmful. Did you know it could even have an impact on your overall health? Join us for a conversation with Dr. Julie Ober-Allen on the effects of ageism on your health and wellness.


Wednesday, December 7: What’s going on Back There?: Back Pain Causes and Interventions

Back pain plagues many of us and can prevent us from doing the things that we enjoy. There can be lots of different causes for pain in the back and many different routes for treatment. Join us for a conversation with Dr. Harvey Echols, MD, about the leading causes of back pain in older adults and what can be done to ease your pain.

Tuesday, October 19: Better Communication for Better Health

Health care providers give the best care when they understand patient needs, and patients are empowered to take control of their health by understanding health conditions and treatments. In this presentation, Dr. Katie Kero speaks about health literacy and tools to improve the communication between you and your physicians.

Tuesday, September 13: Proton Prostate Breast Cancer

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness month and October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Dr. Christian Hyde of the McLaren Proton Therapy Center in Flint joins us to discuss prevention, screening, and how innovations in technology are improving how these and many other cancers are treated.

Wednesday, June 15: Brain Health

The brain is the control center of our bodies and because of that it needs the right kind of care to keep functioning at peak performance. Join us for a conversation with Treena Horton, a community educator from the Alzheimer’s Association, about things you can do to support your brain health.

Tuesday, May 17: Prehab Rehab Oncology

Cancer is a disease that has touched so many of our lives and a diagnosis can leave us wondering where to turn. Fortunately, there are many interventions that can be used to mitigate the effects of cancer and cancer treatment. Join us at the Healthier Black Elders Center for a presentation from Emilee Bohde PT, DPT about oncology rehabilitation and prehab. Emilee is the Lead Physical Therapist at The Recovery Project in Clinton Township. Her specializations include multiple sclerosis, oncology rehabilitation, and respiratory function. Dr. Bohde will provide an overview of physical therapy interventions to manage symptoms and side effects due to cancer and its treatment. In addition, she will discuss the term “Prehab” and how this treatment approach can positively impact those who have received a cancer diagnosis.

Thursday, April 21: Voting Rights

The 2022 elections will be here before you know it. Join us for a presentation from professors from Wayne State’s School of Social Work and Law School: Heather Walter-McCabe and Peter J. Hammer. They will discuss your role in preserving democracy and the importance of community mobilization for representation in government.

Wednesday, March 24: Things to Know about Omicron

As we enter year three of the pandemic it can be difficult to keep up with the ever-evolving news around Covid-19. New developments about how the disease is spread, the emerging variants, and the best ways to stay safe flood the news making it hard to know which advice to trust. Join us for a special talk with Dr. Gretchen Snoeyenbos Newman, infectious disease specialist and professor of internal medicine at the Wayne State University School of Medicine, about how you can keep yourself and your family safe during this difficult time.

Wednesday, February 23: Staying Fit after 50!

Are you finding it difficult to stay active? Do you have a hard time achieving your fitness goals? Join us for a conversation with Dr. Harvey Echols about how you can stay fit after 50. Dr. Echols is a Board-Certified physician in Family Practice and Medical Quality who has over 30 years of experience in multiple fields of medicine, including sports medicine. He currently serves as a Pharmacy Medical Director for Oscar Health, a multistate insurance company. He is also the CEO and managing partner of Sheffield Medical Consultants, a medicolegal consulting firm. Dr. Echols’ presentation will provide information on how you can remain in good cardiovascular shape and maintain your fitness levels.

Thursday, January 13: Post Stroke Exercises for Independence and Well-Being

Recovery after a stroke can be a long and arduous process. The most significant changes occur early on, but research is showing stroke survivors making continuous improvements years after the initial event. These improvements are seen primarily in individuals who continue to participate in high intensity exercise even after being discharged from formal rehabilitation. Join us for a presentation from Kayla Diebold, PT, DPT, CSRS on exercises that you or your loved one can do to regain independence and well-being after experiencing a stroke. Kayla is a certified stroke rehab specialist and staff Physical Therapist and Site Coordinator of Clinical Education at The Recovery Project, a rehabilitation practice that provides intensive and effective rehabilitation to people with traumatic injuries or disorders that impair mobility.


Wednesday, December 15: Opioid Crisis

Opioid use disorder is a complex problem that can affect anyone. It knows no demographic boundaries. However, seniors often face additional challenges and risk factors, such as isolation, unemployment, and poverty. Limited resources for prevention, education, treatment and recovery further compound the problem.

This webinar presentation featuring MSU Extension health educators Georgina Perry and Liz Williams will:

• Define opioids and opioid misuse.
• Provide an overview of how opioids affect the body.
• Look at how the opioid crisis has impacted Michigan.
• Identify opioid use disorder treatment and recovery options.
• Help participants learn how to support someone in recovery.

Thursday, November 11: Medication Labels

The world is burdened with healthcare issues that are costly both in financial and human terms. Among them are: medication errors, patient non-adherence/non-compliance, healthcare acquired infections, unintentional poisoning of children due to unsupervised ingestion of medications or household chemicals, among others.

Dr. Mark Becker, filling in for Dr. Laura Bix, is a Professor and the Associate Chair and Director of Undergraduate Education in the Department of Psychology at Michigan State University. He leads the Attention and Perception Lab in the Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience Program within the Department. Their team’s unique research examines behaviors related to medication use by older adults and how medical packaging plays a role, with the goal of improving our health.

This presentation will provide highlights of the work Drs. Becker and Bix and their team have done with the goal of inspiring people to think differently about complex problems, as well as offering insight as to how senior populations can actively participate in this type of research.

Tuesday, October 12: Changing Environment

Significant changes are occurring in our weather and envi­ronment. Wayne State School of Social Work faculty Dr. Tam Perry and her research team will explain their project to ad­vance knowledge of the impact of changing environments on older adults. The study includes many HBEC members. Discussion includes climate change and current changes in the environment, such as local and state water concerns and other environmental justice concerns, particularly relating to senior housing.

Wednesday, October 6: AARP Medicaid Tele Town Hall

Join us for this AARP Tele Town Hall designed to help you avoid the fraudsters who use Medicare to scam you. Hear presentations and get your questions answered from the following federal experts:

Darren Bartnik, Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the Office of Investigations, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Marc Heggemeyer, Assistant Special Agent in Charge at the Office of Investigations, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General

Bev Clark, Medicare/Medicaid Coordinator, Area Agency on Aging 1B

Friday, September 24: Sleep

One of the most important habits for good health and wellbeing is sleep. Dr. Robin Tucker, from the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at MSU, developed the program and will co-present with Program Instructor Nicole Wethington from MSU Extension. Dr. Tucker and Nicole will discuss the many benefits sleep has on our health and tips to help you sleep longer, deeper and wake up refreshed.

Monday, July 12: Research on Memory and Brain Health

What should you expect when you are in a research study? What are the benefits of participating in research? How are research study results used? Dr. Aaron Ellenbogen and Dolly Niles from QUEST Research will answer these questions and share information on how to receive free memory screenings and opportunities to participate in studies on memory.

Tuesday, June 15: Let’s Talk Brain Health

Dr. Ana Daugherty, a neuroscientist at Wayne State, has a special talent for explaining brain health in a simple and entertaining way. She will explain early, subtle signs of dementia and how your lifestyle can protect and enhance your brain and your ability to remember.

Wednesday, May 27: Glaucoma Specialist

Dr. Paula Anne Newman-Casey is an ophthalmologist who specializes in the care of glaucoma patients and the Co-Director of the Kellogg Eye Center for eHealth at the University of Michigan. Her work focuses on how to help people take better control of their glaucoma. She shares important information about what glaucoma is and how best to manage it.

Wednesday, April 21: Put Your Best Foot Forward

Kick up your feet and join us as we talk about an important but often overlooked part of our health—our feet! Dr. Monicia Summers, Flint native and podiatrist, will share advice on using proper footwear to improve circulation and prevent injury, discuss self-care strategies for those managing diabetes and arthritis, as well as self-treatment for common, painful foot conditions.

Tuesday, March 30: Financial Empowerment

LaToya Hall (Program Coordinator, Successful Aging through Financial Empowerment) and Attorney Howard Collens discuss aspects of being financially wise during the Covid pandemic. Topics include avoiding common scams, protecting your devices, estate planning, and handling power-of-attorney responsibilities before a loved one becomes incapacitated.


Tuesday, Dec. 8: Let’s Talk Skin Care

Dr. Mari Paz Castanedo Tardan, dermatologist and assistant professor at the University Of Michigan School of Medicine, gives an in-depth presentation on skin health for many types of skin. She’ll give special emphasis on maintaining healthy skin as we age, the important differences in caring for African American skin versus other races, and more.

Thursday, Nov. 12: Grief, Loss, and How to Cope

2020 has been an emotionally challenging year. Join us to learn about recognizing signs of grief and depression, how these emotions can impact us, and ways to embrace positive coping strategies. Speakers will be Dr. Peter Lichtenberg, director of WSU’s Institute of Gerontology, Dr. Jennifer Johnson, clinical psychologist at MSU, and Dr. Kent Key, professor in MSU’s College of Human Medicine.

Monday, Oct. 12: Covid-19 & Flu Season

AARP is our partner on this tele-town hall event discussing what you need to know about Covid-19 and the flu season. Dr. Teena Chopra, WSU infectious disease expert, explains the difference between Covid-19 and the flu and how to prepare for the flu season. Dr. Jennifer Edwards-Johnson, a family medicine doctor and assistant professor at MSU College of Human Medicine, describes what she sees in her practice treating patients and what you need to know before visiting your doctor.

Thursday, Sept. 24: Stocking a Smarter Pantry

MSU Extension Community Nutrition Instructor Iteria Finley shows you how to stock up your pantry and freezer to be healthier and to save money! She’ll share how to limit grocery store visits, how long food can be safely stored, properly thawing frozen food, cooking from frozen, and how to identify healthy pantry staples with long shelf lives.