Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research
Participant Resource Pool
Junior Faculty RFAs
The Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research (MCUAAAR) is a 26-year-old collaborative research, community outreach, and faculty mentoring program based at Wayne State, Michigan State and the University of Michigan. Under the leadership of a coordinating center, it is one of eighteen national Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) and specialized Alzheimer’s focused projects funded by the National Institute on Aging to increase and enhance the diversity of the future scientific research workforce; mentoring promising new faculty and research scientists from under-represented groups for sustained careers in aging-related behavioral research.
Ifatunji and Turner Promoted to Associate Professor!!!
Congratulations to Mosi Adesina Ifatunji, PhD (2023 MCUAAAR Scientist and 2013 PRBA Postdoc) and Robert W. Turner II, PhD (2015 MCUAAAR Diversity Supplement Scholar) for being promoted to Associate Professor. Dr. Mosi is a Philosopher, Social Scientist and Assistant Professor with joint appointments in the Departments of African American Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where he also holds courtesy and research appointments in the Department of African Cultural Studies…
James S. Jackson and the Program for Research on Black Americans: Contributions to Psychology and the Social Sciences
James S. Jackson (1944–2020) is remembered as a groundbreaking social psychologist whose career contributions in scholarship, research, and service were fundamental to the field of psychology. This article briefly outlines his career-long work and contributions. A strong believer in interdisciplinary work, his research spanned other related social science disciplines (e.g., sociology, political science), as well as health and social welfare professions (public health, social work, medicine). As the founding director of the Program for Research on Black Americans at the Institute for Social Research, James Jackson initiated and led a long-standing program with a dual focus on research…
Latest News
The MCUAAAR Hosted Webinar for HBCU Partners
Researchers often start with the arduous task of gathering data, but tapping into high-quality data sets that have already been collected can be a fast and invaluable way to survey the field, explore topics, and test ideas. By stewarding secondary data, ICPSR serves the purpose of providing social scientists with rich and broad data resources that are high in quality and publicly accessible.
The webinar was convened at the request of MCUAAAR’s HBCU partners at Howard and Prairie View A&M Universities to help faculty and students learn how to access secondary datasets from the University of Michigan. Dr. James McNally, Director of the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA) and…
$3.5 million grant renewal marks 30 years of support for minority aging and health equity across Michigan
Funding for the Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research (MCUAAAR) has been renewed, ensuring another five years of high quality research, career mentorship, and community outreach.
MCUAAAR, which has been continuously funded since 1997, is a collaborative, multi-university research center housed at the University of Michigan…
Community Partners
Many Roles and Talents Mark Pat Mullin’s Passions
Born and raised on the East Side of Detroit, Ms. Patricia Mullin has a passion for learning and sharing information with others. For 25 years she worked as a Nuclear Medicine Technician, where she performed exams to determine organ function. She mainly worked in cardiac care, but also did scans of the brain, thyroid, lungs, and more. Her strength and endurance to continue learning led her to join the…