Jun 26, 2020 | Latest News
At its regularly scheduled meeting on June 10th, the Genesee County Commission passed a resolution declaring racism a public health crisis. This followed the Genesee County Board of Heath voting in favor of the resolution on June 3rd and the Flint City Council’s resolution on…
Jun 22, 2020 | Where Are They Now?
I was working in the School of Public Health in 1998 when Dr. Cleo Caldwell mentioned a new position envisioned by Dr. James Jackson in the Program for Research on Black Americans. The position had not yet been posted, but she thought that I was the ideal person…
Jun 17, 2020 | Community Partners
Born and raised on the East Side of Detroit, Ms. Patricia Mullin has a passion for learning and sharing information with others. For 25 years she worked as a Nuclear Medicine Technician, where she performed exams to determine organ function. She mainly worked in cardiac care, but also did scans of the brain, thyroid, lungs, and more. Her strength and endurance to continue learning led her to join the…