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New Article from Our CLRC and Three Other NIH-Funded Centers

Engaging diverse populations in aging research during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from four National Institutes of Health funded-CentersTo address the social and research challenges evolving from the COVID-19 pandemic, MCUAAAR and three other National Institutes of Health funded-Centers (MCCFAD, Pepper Center, and MADRC) that engage with community members to enhance research and advance the science of aging came together to learn from each other’s efforts, approaches, and communication with community partners. Monthly meetings served as a venue to discuss the challenges of engagement with research participants and support community partners during the pandemic. The exchange of information resulted in maintaining long standing community relationships and partnerships in the face of the uncertainties generated by the pandemic. The strategies included adapting education programs to reduce risk of infection, recognizing symptoms, promoting vaccination and understanding of the effect of COVID-19 to the brain. Different strategies were used to address the effects of isolation and maintain community engagement.

Vega IE, Ajrouch KJ, Rorai V, Gadwa R, Roberts JS and Nyquist L (2023) Engaging diverse populations in aging research during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from four National Institutes of Health funded-Centers. Front. Public Health 11:1062385.
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1062385